Choir Syllabus

Choir Syllabus

Course Objectives and Goals

Through this course students will:
1. Gain a greater understanding of the historical style factors of choral music.
2. Develop personal knowledge of a particular genre, style, or, composer through the study of choral compositions.
3. Develop a greater appreciation of the interaction between text, music, and other fine arts.
4. Develop communication skills through the performance of different styles of music.
5. Develop rhythmic, pitch, language skills appropriate for a piece of music.
6. Develop music reading skills appropriate for the level of the students.

Philosophy of Music Education

The benefits of a well-rounded education for all students cannot be overemphasized. One very important area of this complete education is the study of music. The aesthetic joys of making music cannot be duplicated in any other art form; it is a communication unto itself. It also has been found that the study of music strengthens the mind's learning potential. Students who are part of a music program tend to achieve at higher levels in all areas of school. Simply put: music makes better students, and music makes students better.

Ongoing research continues to offer dramatic statistics concerning young people who participate in their school music programs. In the 1997 publication, Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers (from The College Board), it was discovered that, "Students with course work experience in music performance scored 89 points higher on the SAT tests than students with no course work in the arts." This kind of information positively marks the future of our young musicians.

In addition to the educational benefits, music education also teaches important life skills. Music teaches discipline. Music develops self-confidence. Music gives students a feeling of pride and accomplishment. Singing in a choir teaches students the importance of working with others and helps them develop the social skills necessary to be part of a performing organization. It instills values, responsibility, purpose, direction, and devotion to duty, the spirit of cooperation and sensitivity to the beauty in our world. Not all choir students become great musicians, but all will certainly become more mature, cooperative, self-disciplined, hardworking members of their communities with an appreciation of the arts.

Classroom Expectations

Participation in the Lake Creek High School Choral Program is a privilege and not a right. Students are expected to demonstrate responsible behavior, dependability, and dedication. With this philosophy in mind, the following guidelines of behavior will be expected:

  1. Be in assigned place with folder when the bell rings.
  2. When Mr. Carnley or Mrs. Moses speaks - no talking.
  3. Keep all body parts and objects to yourself.
  4. Be courteous and supportive of other students.
  5. Participate daily with a positive attitude...a YES attitude.
  6. Dispose of gum and food prior to rehearsal. You may have a bottled water during rehearsals.
  7. Keep all cell phones put away. No cell phones are permitted during rehearsals unless requested by a director.


Students are expected to have their folder at the beginning of each rehearsal, and to put their folder back into the assigned folder slot at the end of each rehearsal. Students will be expected to keep a pencil in their folder at all times. It is the student's responsibility to replace any lost or damaged choir department materials at her/his own expense.

Classroom Procedures

  1. Place all personal items by the door upon entering the room.
  2. Read the white board.
  3. Get sightreading book, folder and pencil.
  4. Be in assigned spot on the risers with folder and supplies when the bell rings.
  5. Get music in order or begin working on assignment.

Concert Attendance

Participation in performances outside of class time is part of the choral program at Lake Creek High School. Concerts are considered curricular activities. Therefore, attendance and participation in all concerts are mandatory and part of the student's grade. Concerts are the ultimate culmination of many weeks of preparation and class work. It is impossible to make up a choral rehearsal or concert experience. In addition, Choir members are expected to be present for the entire duration of each performance.

Types of Excused Absences:

1. Personal illness - If personal illness prevents you from attending a scheduled event, call the choir office (936) 276-4177, and leave a message. Please call even if you are absent from school that day.

2. Family Emergency/School Conflict - The student is responsible for notifying the director of a family emergency or school conflict. School conflicts MUST be approved prior to the event. For an illness-related absence, a written note from a doctor is required. For family emergencies, a note from a parent is required.

In the event of an excused missed performance (for choir classes), the following policy will be observed:

  • Students will be given the opportunity to make up the missing grade for an excused absence. Part of completing this makeup assignment is singing the music performed at the concert for a choir director outside of regular rehearsal time. A student will receive a zero if they do not complete the Concert Makeup Assignment and sing the music performed for the director within 7 school days of the missed concert. It is the student's responsibility to request a makeup assignment.

  • Student will receive a zero for any missed concert if their absence is unexcused by their director. There is no makeup assignment for an unexcused absence.

After-School Rehearsals

At times there will be outside-of-school rehearsals throughout the school year. You will be given timely notice of these rehearsals. The number of these rehearsals is dependent on level of the class; i.e. Varsity classes will have more after school rehearsals than non-varsity classes.

In addition, there are heightened expectations on rehearsals the week of any production. Failure to attend any of the rehearsals without approval from a director will result in a grade deduction and possible removal from the ensemble.

General Attendance Guidelines

Do NOT wait until the last minute to work out PROACTIVE. Many conflicts can be prevented if you make plans in advance.

Conflicts should be communicated no less than 72 hours in advance for rehearsals and no less than two weeks in advance for performances.

Since advance notice is given for concerts and extra rehearsals, a job will not be considered an excused absence. Also, Driver's Education will not be considered an excused absence for concert or rehearsal attendance. In the event of a missed performance or rehearsal students may forfeit their position in these ensembles if they miss a performance or rehearsal without being excused prior to the event by their director. Please plan ahead.



Excused absences are family emergencies and severe illness. There will be a make-up for this absence.

Unexcused absences are work, babysitting, transportation issues, driver's education courses, doctor's appointments, performances unrelated to school events, etc. There is no make-up assignment for this absence.

Community Performing Groups

In the event that a club or community performing schedule conflicts with the Lake Creek HS schedule or practice, Lake Creek choir members are expected to give preference to the school schedule. This type of absence is unexcused.


Punctuality is of vital importance to the choir program, so please be on time. The time given is the start time...not the arrival time. On time is late.

Choir Calendar

Our Choir Calendar is online and can be found on the LCHS Choir website Please check it regularly as it is updated frequently. YOU MUST LOG IN TO SEE THE ENTIRE CALENDAR!

It will have the most current and specific information regarding upcoming events. Also - BE ON TIME! To be right on time is to be late!

The Password is your child's id number

Choir Uniforms

Montgomery ISD will provide every choir member with a curricular choir uniform. These uniforms will be checked out, and must be turned in at the end of the year in the condition received. Any student who fails to turn in their choir uniform in the condition it was checked out to them will be responsible for the cost of replacing their uniform.

Students are expected to have a garment bag labeled with their name on it to transport and store their uniform. Bags will be supplied by the LCHS Choir Department.


Choir is a performance based course. Proper rehearsal skills are essential to the performance process, and will be graded as such. Classroom infractions that affect student performance will result in deductions from grades.


Daily Exams, Weekly Performance Grades, Sightreading Benchmarks Each 6 weeks

Periodic Folder/Pencil Checks Concert Dress Rehearsals, Exam Review/Assignments Concert Performance/Analysis, After School Rehearsals



Concerts and Rehearsals are graded.

All concerts/performances are graded assignments and are required. Each concert is evaluated by: Punctuality and Proper Attire, Performance and Concert Etiquette.

All choir members are expected to attend all performances, required rehearsals and choir-related functions.


Pass your classes!! Students who pass their classes benefit from the many rewarding opportunities choir presents. Those who fail their classes let down the group and lose out on these experiences. It is the student's responsibility to maintain academic eligibility and the parents' responsibility to hold their students accountable by checking their grades online regularly.

Grades and Participation - No Pass...No Play.

Grades play a crucial role in the student's ability to participate in extracurricular activities. Directors have absolutely no discretion when a student is declared academically ineligible. U.I.L. Guidelines restrict ineligible students from participating in the following events: TMEA Auditions, U.I.L. Solo and Ensemble Contest, all competitions, events that charge admission, and events off campus. The directors reserve the right to deny the opportunity to participate in NON-U.I.L. events based on a student's academic standing at any time. Future choir placement will reflect in your ability to pass your classes! We want our singers to be academically successful!!!!


All Choirs

Choir Retreat 

Spring Trip

A Cappella

Kemah Choir Days Competition

Spring Competition

Chamber Choir

Kemah Choir Days Competition

Madrigal Festival


Lake Creek High School Policy states that all visitors must register at the front office during the school day. All Visitors (parents, other students, etc.) must contact the choir director prior to any visits during rehearsals both during and after school. LCHS Choir Rehearsals are CLOSED REHEARSALS to ensure focus and student success. Visitors without director approval will be asked to leave. In addition, parent conferences must be scheduled. At no time will a director meet with a parent without prior planning.

Concert Attire for Women

Jewelry: No bracelets, necklaces, rings, or watches may be worn for a performance. NO facial jewelry will be permitted. Women MAY wear one small stud in each ear.

Shoes: Women will be expected to wear closed toe, black dress shoes. Flip-flops, high heels and sandals will not be allowed on stage. All women should wear nude colored hosiery when wearing a choir dress.

Hair/Make-Up: Hair MUST be up and out of the face. NO unnatural hair colors will be permitted onstage. Enough makeup should be worn to avoid the "washed out" look, but it should not be overdone.

Concert Attire for Men

Jewelry: NO JEWELRY of any kind is permitted. (Men may NOT wear earrings during performances.)

Shoes: Men will be expected to wear black dress shoes with black socks with their tuxedos. Tennis shoes, Doc Martins, or boots in general, etc. will not be allowed on stage.

Hair: Hair MUST be up and out of the face. NO unnatural hair colors will be permitted on stage. It is recommended that men wear plain white t-shirts under their tux shirts.

General Requirements

Please avoid wearing cologne or fragrances, and please do wear deodorant. The goal is to create a uniform look that does not distract or hamper the choirs as they perform. Plan to arrive and leave each performance wearing your entire uniform. If you are staying after school, you are not to wander the building. You must stay in the choir room or designated area.

Choir Fee

All Choir Students will be required to pay a choir fee. In addition, a black choir polo is required for purchase at $25.

Fundraising Opportunities for Trips and Beginning of the Year Choir Expenses

  • Sponsorship Sale


In an effort to communicate effectively with parents, we will present up-to-date choir information in the following ways:

CHARMS Emails and CHARMS Website for Financial Tracking -

Please verify that you and your student(s) data is up-to-date in CHARMS so that we may send you choir information on an as-needed basis.

Social Media Information

It is the goal of the LCHS Choir Program to use Social Media outlets like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to enhance our communication with parents and students. Directors will indirectly (through groups, etc.) communicate with students.

Students are encouraged to make wise choices when posting in the choir group pages or publicly on Twitter and other social media. Negative public comments toward directors, ensembles or other students is damaging to the choir program and can effect ensemble placement and may lead to other consequences. We encourage students to resolve conflicts and frustrations through face to face communication or by phone.

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