Graduation Practice

Grad practice picture



Graduation Practice

Enter at door 19. The rest of the students are in class so the rest of the school is closed off. You will not be allowed to roam the building before or after practice.
Be sure to check-in at the gym entrance to receive you seat assignment.

Graduation is Monday, May 23rd, 7:00 pm at Johnson Coliseum on the campus of Sam Houston State University. All graduates must be at the Health and Kinesiology Center across the street by 6:15pm for line-up and final instructions.  Do not bring anyone to the center with you. Participating graduates only.  Do not bring anything with you to the center. You will not be able to go back to the center after graduation. 

Lake Creek High School graduation is a special ceremony for our students and community.  Fog horns, cowbells, silly string, beach balls, etc., are NOT appropriate for this kind of ceremony.  We want every parent/relative/friend in the audience to be able to hear their special student’s name being announced and awarded a diploma. 

Diploma pick-up is Tuesday Math 24th by alphabet. You will receive an extra treat too!

8:30 - 9:30     A  - M

9:30 - 10:30     N - Z    


 Dress Code


  1. The caps are worn with the mortarboard flat. You are allowed to decorate the top of your mortarboards. The design needs to follow the MISD dress code requirements. Begin with the tassel on the left side, moving it to the right when told to do so during the ceremony. Males will remove the graduation cap during the National Anthem, Opening remarks and pledges. They will then replace the cap on head and fix tassel. Females do not need to remove cap.
  2. Young men should wear dress slacks or pressed jeans (no holes) with a white collared shirt. Ties are recommended and encouraged, but optional. Young women should to wear dresses, dress slacks or starched jeans (no holes). Dress shoes, boots or dress sandals that complement the gown must be worn. You will be walking so make sure you can walk a long distance in your heels if you choose to wear them.
  3. NO corsages, ribbons, pins, flags etc. on gowns are allowed. Only approved cords, pins, stoles, honor medals, and National Honor Society collars may be worn. You may wear a military stole if you received one from your recruiter. Before you enter the set up area you will be checked for appropriate dress.
  4. If all seniors follow this pattern of dress, the class will look uniform in its caps and gowns, lending the proper dignity to the graduation ceremony.
  5. Remember, DO NOT BRING A PURSE or personal item with you.


A professional photographer from ImaginLIGHT will be on duty to take pictures of all graduating seniors.  The packet with money/check will be collected at the coliseum by door #20 before and after graduation, Monday, May 23rd.  When you come across the stage, you will get a diploma jacket.  Make sure you hold it so Lake Creek High School is right side up for the picture or use the blank side. You received a picture packet form at check in or click here on the Class of 2022 website under Graduation.



Student Code of Conduct will be enforced.  Make good decisions and do not lose your opportunity to participate in graduation even on the day of graduation. REMEMBER, this is a formal ceremony and we want to respect everyone attending the ceremony.  During graduation, mature conduct is expected.  Please do not talk during graduation.  The staff has worked hard to make this a dignified occasion, which will be a cherished memory for all participants and guests.



Once you get close to the coliseum, the police will be directing traffic. Please follow their directions. There will be golf cart shuttles to help our elderly and/or handicap guests get to the coliseum from parking areas.



There is not a limit on the number of guests that may attend the ceremony. Please remind your guests that the bottom 3 rows around the coliseum are for handicap seating. Members needing handicap seating may have one other member sit with them. We want all parent/relative/friend to be comfortable and safe.


Order of Events

  1. Arrive to the Health and Kinesiology Center by 6:15pm
  2. Check in with your row leader
  3. Get in your correct spot in your row
  4. Exit in order for the procession
  5. Procession in with class
  6. Mr. McFadden Introduces
  7. Open Remarks
  8. National Pledge
  9. Texas Pledge
  10. Singing of the Star Spangled Banner
  11. Mr. McFadden welcomes and congratulates graduates
  12. Sal is introduced and gives speech
  13. Val is introduced and gives speech
  14. Mr. McFadden will present the Honor Grads
  15. Dr. Morrison confirms the graduates
  16. When your row stands you will go get your name card
  17. Give your name card to Mr. Stowe and start walking when your name is called.
  18. Shake hands or fist bump with several people
  19. Turn your diploma cover right side up and smile for your picture
  20. Class President - Turn tassel remarks
  21. Closing Remarks
  22. Sing the Alma Mater (school song)
  23. Toss your cap
  24. Band counts to 15 then starts -
  25. Recession out
  26. It is over you. Meet your family in the parking lot
  27. Diploma pick up is at LCHS on Tuesday


 Additional Notes

  1. Cover Inclement weather plan
  2. Graduation tickets – there are none
  3. Senior Picnic - Meal ticket
  4. Ice Cream truck
  5. Dani Jordan- Final Transcripts
  6. Unclears
  7. Gonfalons – Val and Sal

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