By Laws

The Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica(SHH) is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish and Portuguese and is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Formally organized as the Spanish National Honor Society in 1953, the name was changed in 1959. At present there are over 1,700 national and international chapters.

The purpose of the society is to recognize high achievement of high school students in the Spanish and Portuguese languages and to promote a continuing interest in Hispanic and Portuguese studies.

4 Community Service Hours
4 Spanish Tutorial Hours
4 Meetings
2 Mandatory Events: Walkathon and Induction
2 Other Events


Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica:

Constitution and Bylaws

Article I. Name and Classification

Section 1.The name of this organization is the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, also known as the Spanish National Honor Society, or the Portuguese National Honor Society, and shall be referred to in this document as "the Society."

Section 2.The purpose of the Society is to recognize high achievement in Spanish and Portuguese by students of secondary schools and to promote continuity of interest in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies.

Article II. Qualifications for Membership

To be eligible for the Society, students must meet all of the following criteria:

a) Student must be a Sophomore or higher to be inducted.

b) Student must currently be in Spanish III, have completed Spanish III or enrolled to take Spanish III the year after induction.

c) Transfer students must have spent one full semester in the program before eligibility.

d) Student must have 3 consecutive semesters with an A average.

e) Students must show academic integrity and character as noted by no recorded incidents of cheating, plagiarism, misconduct, insubordination or intentional dishonesty.

f) Students who have placed out of Spanish I and/or Spanish 2 will be credited for one semester A per level. Student must make an A average the first semester of Spanish 3 to be eligible.

Article III. Application and Initiation

Section 1.Members of the Spanish Department will invite eligible students to apply in January after the first semester grades are published.

Section 2.Potential members must fill out an application for admission. Items are to be presented to a SHH sponsor by the 1st Monday in March.

Section 3.The Acceptance Committee will be comprised of a combination of Language teachers, and other invited guests.

Section 4.The application must include: a personal statement to include interest in language, personal qualifications, commitment to the betterment of Lake Creek High School; commitment to the betterment of the Spanish-speaking community; personal qualities and examples of character, leadership, honesty, service, and cooperation; a recommendation from a Spanish teacher; a recommendation from a non Spanish teacher.

Section 5.Acceptance letters will be distributed the first week in April.

Section6.Initiation Ceremony will take place the 3rdweek in April.

Article IV. Qualifications for Continued Membership.

Section 1.Each year members must engage in an activity from each of the following categories: Academic Commitment, Community Commitment, Global Commitment.

Section 2.Academic commitment may be defined in part as the following: current enrollment in a Spanish class, publication in¡Albricias!, maintenance of an overall GPA of B- or better.

Section 3.Community Commitment may be defined in part as participation in the following: Leading a Foreign Language Week activity, tutoring a LCHS student in Spanish, serving as bilingual guide for LCHS students or their parents, becoming a bilingual buddy for a bilingual elementary student, recruit grade 8 students into the Spanish program, tutor a grade 8 student in Spanish.

Section 4.Global Commitment will be defined by committee.

Section 5.Students must continue to show academic integrity and character as noted by no recorded incidents of cheating, plagiarism, misconduct, insubordination or intentional dishonesty.

Article V. Dues and Fees

Section 1. The Foreign Language Department will pay for the sponsor(s) dues to the AATSP and the Chapter Membership fees.

Section 2.One time dues of twenty dollars ($35) due with application. This fee includes certificate, patch, cord and T Shirt. The fee will be returned if student is not accepted into the Society. There will be no refunds after induction.

Article VI. Elections and Duties of Officers

Section 1.There are four officers of the Society: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Public Relations Director.

Section 2.Officers are elected by simple majority of active members present during the final meeting of the year.

Section 3.The duties of the officers are as follows: attendance at all meetings, serve as exemplars for other members of the Society and the LCHS community, and organize committees.

Section 4.The role of the President is to preside at Underclassmen Awards Ceremony, preside at meetings, and serve as student spokesperson for the Spanish Department.

Section 5. The role of the Vice-President is to assist the president and organize meetings.

Section 6.The role of the Secretary is to keep the ledger of initiates, keep the ledger of Active members and their membership qualifications and attendance, keep the ledger of current officers.

Section 7.The role of Public Relations Director is to communicate with the community for service and event possibilities.

Article VII. Meetings

Section 1.Each member must attend a minimum of 4 meetings .

Section 2.Meetings are to be regularly scheduled by the sponsors and officers. There shall be no less than one meeting/event per six weeks.

Section 3.The last meeting of the year will take place in May to elect new officers and to set direction for the coming year.

Article VIII. Awards and Recognition

Section 1.Sponsors of Active Chapters may award the Certificado de Excelencia to initiated members, winners in the National Spanish Examinations, or to the initiated member who has achieved the highest grade point average in Spanish or Portuguese for that school year. Duplicate certificates are awarded in case of ties. The number of awards is limited to ten percent of current initiates.

Section 2.Sponsors of Active Chapters may award the Certificado por Servicios to recognize initiated members who have rendered meritorious service to their Chapter. The number awarded is limited to ten percent of current initiates.

Section 3.Sponsors of Active Chapters may award the Premio de Honor to the best graduating senior of the Chapter. The certificate may be obtained from the National Director of the Society at no cost, and will be sent upon receipt of the student's name. The names of both the student and the Chapter sponsor will be printed in ¡Albricias! if sent by the deadline. Each Chapter may receive only one certificate each year.

Section 4. If funds are available, a scholarship will be a awarded to a Senior member of the Sociedad for $500 to be selected based upon evaluation of Scholarship forms to be turned in the first week of April.

Article IX. Insignia

Section 1.The insignia of the Society is the official one of the AATSP, as represented on the medals which may be awarded for excellence in Spanish and Portuguese.

Section 2.The seal of the AATSP is the official seal of the Society, and it may be used in conjunction with any other seal upon approval of the National Council.

Section 3.The motto of the Society is:Todos a una.

Section 4.The colors of the Society are red and gold.

Section 5.The flower of the Society is the carnation.

Article X. Emergency Bylaws

Section 1.Additional regulations for facilitating the government of the Society and the activities of the Chapter may be prepared by the National Council whenever the exigencies for such regulations may arise.

Section 2.Dues may be initiated at the beginning of each year to be determined by the Sponsor and advisors

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