Please use the left side bar for topics to navigate in search for information regarding events and questions that you might have. By clicking on the topic, it will go to more resources with links to help with information, registration, and resources.
Dates and times of future events and course selections will be posted when finalized on the main Counseling Office page and within each topic along with links to guide you.
Please reach out to your counselor if you have any questions or concerns.
Administrators select and hire teachers and create the master schedule based on the courses requested by students.
After selecting required courses, students should choose electives and alternates carefully. Those decisions are binding.
As a result, schedule changes are subject to availability of courses. Schedules are determined by course selections;
therefore, schedule changes will ONLY be made if:
● Senior not enrolled in a class REQUIRED for graduation
● Student scheduled for a class for which he/she already has credit
● Student is scheduled into a class for which the student does not have the prerequisite
● Student not enrolled in an application/audition course for which they were approved
● Counselor’s scheduling error
● Balancing of class sizes
● Student needs to add a course to be a full time student/has an incomplete schedule
● Student is cut from any extracurricular program (WITHIN THE CUT DEADLINE)
● IEP/504 Committee decision
● Student not scheduled in elective pathway
● Students may request a schedule change from an advanced/AP class under the following two conditions:
1) A grade of “74” or below for the 1
st six weeks
2) At the conclusion of the 1
st semester
*Please Note: Grade points are awarded for courses at semester. If a student moves at the end of the 1
st six weeks grading
period, the grade transfers to the level class and to a level grade. If a student moves at the end of the semester, the
semester grade will receive the advanced grade points.
How to handle a schedule concern:
*Please note: If your schedule reflects those courses and alternates requested on your course selection form, YOU HAVE
● Follow campus counseling department procedures.
● Until your concern is addressed, you MUST follow your own schedule
The following Schedule Change requests will not be approved:
● Requests for a TEACHER change
● Requests for a lunch change
● Requests for an elective change
● Requests to drop a course after the drop deadline
● Requests to add a course after the add deadline
● Requests to drop an advanced course after the drop deadline
● Requests for a period change
How to handle a teacher concern
Montgomery ISD hires only highly qualified staff members and therefore does not allow teacher changes. If a concern
with a teacher comes to our attention, our goal is to address the concern and develop a plan to help the student be
successful in their current placement.
Students or parents who have a concern should first contact the appropriate staff member and schedule a parent-teacher
conference. The most direct route to resolving a concern is to confer directly with the person involved, whether it is a
teacher, coach, sponsor, or etc. If the outcome of that meeting is not satisfactory, they may also speak to the department
chair to try to resolve the concern. If the concern is still not resolved, they should request a conference with campus
*Please note: Time is required to collect relevant data on the conflict, so scheduling a conference in advance is required